In Telugu National Parents Day is called as జాతీయ తల్లిదండ్రుల దినోత్సవం. In Telugu you can wish National Parents Day as జాతీయ తల్లిదండ్రుల దినోత్సవం శుభాకాంక్షలు.
National Parents Day in Telugu India is celebrated every year in July last Sunday.
Like Mothers day & Fathers day, National Parents day in Telugu is celebrated remembering our parents and respecting them for their dedication towards us.
You can gift your parents with a lovely Gifts and let them know how much you like them.
Parents are everything to us without them we are nothing. We should Thank the Living God for giving us lovable parents.
On this eve of National Parents Day, lets remember our parents hard work for us and greet them with much loving care.
National Parents Day in Telugu SMS
P = Peaceful
A = Affection
R = Remembrabce
E = End less
N = Natural
T = True Love and
S = Sacrifice
Happy Ntional Parents Day.
Like Mothers day & Fathers day, National Parents day in Telugu is celebrated remembering our parents and respecting them for their dedication towards us.
You can gift your parents with a lovely Gifts and let them know how much you like them.
Parents are everything to us without them we are nothing. We should Thank the Living God for giving us lovable parents.
On this eve of National Parents Day, lets remember our parents hard work for us and greet them with much loving care.
National Parents Day in Telugu SMS
P = Peaceful
A = Affection
R = Remembrabce
E = End less
N = Natural
T = True Love and
S = Sacrifice
Happy Ntional Parents Day.
National Parents Day in Telugu quotations:
Here is National Parents Day in Telugu language. you can copy the text and share this to any one you like.
"తల్లిదండ్రుల ఒడిలోనే ఏ మనిషికైనా ఆధారం."
"తల్లిదండ్రుల దినోత్సవ శుభాకాంక్షలు"
"నేషనల్ పేరెంట్స్ డే శుభాకాంక్షలు"
"జీవితంలో ఏదైనా మర్చిపో ... కానీ, మనకు జన్మ నిచ్చిన అమ్మను, మనకు జీవతాన్ని ఇచ్చిన నాన్నను... ప్రాణం ఉన్నంతవరకు మర్చిపోవద్దు. తల్లిదండ్రుల దినోత్సవ శుభాకాంక్షలు"
National Parents Day in Telugu free download
National Parents Day in Telugu India
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Here are all the wishes for Parents day wishes in Telugu for you to download and share in social media platforms. please do comment below and share Parents day wishes images in telugu with your loved ones. Also if you like to have National Parents Day in Telugu essay do comment below.