World Malaria Day Quotes, Poster, Images and Themes

World Malaria Day

World Malaria day is observed on 25 April worldwide. This day is celebrated to promote and educate people about malaria and its measures to prevent malaria around the world. 

World Malaria Day
World Malaria Day April 25

World Malaria day was established in May 2007. The World Malaria day is observed world wide every year with different themes like Zero Malaria starts with me and so on.

Lets promote and learn the efforts made to prevent and reduce Malaria around the world.

Here on this page you can find unique World Malaria Day images to share in social media platforms.

Here are the best and latest World Malaria Day images, World Malaria Day Quotes, World Malaria Day Posters.

World Malaria Day Images

World Malaria Day , fight malaria april 25
World Malaria Day fight malaria April 25

prevent malaria World Malaria Day
World Malaria Day Let us all promote and prevent malaria

World Malaria Day  april 25
World Malaria Day April 25

Stop mosquitoes stop malaria World Malaria Day
World Malaria Day Stop mosquitoes, Stop malaria

fight amalaria, World Malaria Day
World Malaria Day Fight Malaria

World Malaria Day
World Malaria Day 

World Malaria Day
World Malaria Day

World Malaria Day april 25
world malaria day april 25 

World Malaria Day images april 25
World Malaria Day 

World Malaria Day, fight malaria april 25
World Malaria Day fight malaria

World Malaria Day Quotes

Here are some of the Quotes for World Malaria Day by people.

There are more people dying of malaria than any specific cancer.  - Bill Gates

I saw a lot of children who were in the latest stages of Malaria.Those kids died very quickly.  - Tu Youyou

Previous efforts to eradicate malaria failed for several reasons, including political instability and technical challenges in delivering resources, especially in certain countries in Africa. - Anthony Fauci

Malaria-hosting mosquitoes will not politely during their most active evening feeding hours for people to go to bed under mosquito nets.  - T.K. Naliaka

Defeating Malaria Is Absolutely Critical to Ending Poverty, Improving the Health of Millions, and Enabling Future Generations to Reach Their Full Potential. 
– Tedros Adhanom

World Malaria Day Slogans

Here are the popular and common sayings slogans for World Malaria Day

Give a safety net and protect child's life.

lets end Malaria

stop malaria

Why is Malaria still killing us?

Stop Mosquitoes, Stop Dengue, Stop Malaria.

Malaria a disease without borders

Patch that net hole today, it may save you from malaria tonight.

Small bite, big threat. Fight the bite, destroy mosquito breeding sites.

World Malaria Day Stop Malaria

World Malaria Day No To Malaria

World Malaria Day Themes

Here are the list of all the themes of World Malaria day since 2008 till 2020.
World Malaria Day 2020 theme - Zero malaria starts with me
World Malaria Day 2019 theme - Zero malaria starts with me
World Malaria Day 2018 theme - Ready to beat malaria
World Malaria Day 2017 theme - LETS Close The Gap
World Malaria Day 2016 theme - End Malaria For Good
World Malaria Day 2015 theme - Invest in the future: defeat malaria
World Malaria Day 2014 theme - Invest in the future: defeat malaria
World Malaria Day 2013 theme - Invest in the future: defeat malaria
World Malaria Day 2012 theme - Sustain Gains, Save Lives: Invest in Malaria
World Malaria Day 2011 theme - Achieving Progress and Impact
World Malaria Day 2009 theme - Counting malaria out
World Malaria Day 2010 theme - Counting malaria out
World Malaria Day 2008 theme - Malaria: a disease without borders

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